About Us

My journey to Keto started before people called it “Keto.” 

In 2010, I’d just discovered Low Carb diets, having been brought up on a lifetime of Carbs = Fuel

The LCHF (low carb high fat) movement was just taking off and this was the start of my journey to long-lasting health and wellness.

I never had health problems..

Just a desire to find a better version of myself, I was trained as a chef when I was young, but I’d never really looked into the heathly eating lifestyle, as I was young, active and relatively fit.

I spent most of my time during college cooking & eating dirty high carb foods such as Pizzas, big sandwiches, and of course going out drinking.

In the end, it was a desire to lose weight that drove me to low carb, Paleo, and now Keto

I no longer had brain fog or felt like I needed a nap after each meal.  For the first time in many years, I felt energetic and excited about life.

My chronic heartburn vanished (in just a few weeks).

My bloating disappeared and my clothes fit better.  The weight slowly came off as well.

The digestive and autoimmune issues took longer to fix, but with the addition of gut-healing bone broth, supplements, autoimmune protocols, extra sleep, and de-stressing, I was finally able to kick those problems too.

I’ve been off all autoimmune medications (and all medications in general) for over 3 years now, and I feel so grateful every time I think about.

And it wasn’t just me that benefitted from Keto…

Why do I do what I do?

Changing my diet was the first step in a journey that has had a profound impact on my life.  Initially, all I cared about was losing weight.  But by doing a healthy Keto diet filled with nutrient-dense foods and avoiding toxins like gluten, I suddenly started feeling amazing. 

It was such a night and day shift that it forced me to question why I would choose to live any other way.